The template will be loaded in a new tab via Google Docs so you can just edit and rename the template to make it as your own. If you want to preview the template first, just click the “Preview” link.Once you’ve chosen a template, just click the “Use this template” button right under it.So what you need to do next is to choose a template from the list.There are even templates for certificates, diplomas and press release. For example, you can find templates for business, personal finance, resumes and cover letters, legal, statistics, calendars and schedules, etc.

You can also sort out the templates according to what you need. There are templates for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, drawings, etc.

One good example of this is the post I’ve made about creating a resume in Google Docs. Have you ever thought of creating different types of documents using Google Docs? Not only does it let you save your work automatically to Google Drive, it also provides you with a wide variety of document templates so you no longer need to create a document from scratch.