Hyper light drifter armor
Hyper light drifter armor

hyper light drifter armor

Try looking at one of his gifs and pay attention to how many frames he spends at the beginning of the action and how many he spends at the middle, how many at the end. Try easing up on all the effects and focus on injecting simple movements with a lot of energy, your animations wont really get better until you do.

hyper light drifter armor

Here is a post by pixel pile driver about timing, this is what's missing from your animations to really make them look like out of Hyper Light Drifter. Also, this IS something you could benefit from doing in real life, super soldier or not only someone doing a dance or a yoga pose ducks like that, your animation here much like your animation of that fire kick still has that sort of dancey impactless floaty quality to it because you're not being extreme enough with your poses. I'm not really sure at this point, can you draw a head tilted downwards? you need to do that for that pose. Look at her crouch, she is crouching still with her torso almost completely vertical, you DO NOT see that in anime, their crouching stances are always as extreme as they can be, you cannot do that by keeping most of the pose from the last frame, you need to redraw a lot of it. The reason we dont get that she's jumping is not because you dont have room in your canvas to actually move her upwards, the reason is because you made a very halfassed buildup pose for her jump and you also dont leave her jumping long enough to convey that she's in the air and she's moving. I'm a little bit.shocked that the only "put on uniform while posing exageratedly " action you could think of was ironman.? anime has loads and loads of the stuff, they call it henshin personal favorite from my childhood. watch that or something by studio trigger, they're the biggest exponents of anime intensity so try to aim for that hell, just try for any style of animation you admire (mitsuo iso is very cool too!) just dont.keep on making movement where limbs move at an evenly spaced rate. The effects went a bit in the gurren lagann/Imaishi style. The post contains many of the ideas I used here, although I do go a bit effect crazy :p but really, until you get timing effects are more of a distraction, focus on that.

hyper light drifter armor

I did this after writing this bigass post. In effect, the original keyframes are choppy and move sharply from one to the next, but proper spacing in your movements can cover up the seeming 'need' for more frames. Anime focuses on strong and dynamic keyframe poses, and only adds in the number of inbetweens necessary to convey that pose convincingly. You seem to be falling into the Disney trap here unfortunately, with high frame counts to cover up your weak keyframe poses. Atm, the whole animation just looks like you put a lot of frames in there, but none have any real speed or sense of impact (major problem with most oldschool disney animations for example.)Īnime is an excellent example of how to counter the failings of Disney since they've honed the technique of very high-impact actions with very low frame counts. I'd also bring the arms up into a more pronounced pose if I were you, perhaps by putting the body in the form of an 'X' sort of pose to emphasize the energy. Any particular reason for the crouch? It seems a bit extraneous for putting on armor.

Hyper light drifter armor